Set 3: Logic.Exchange.Beyond the Frame.

19 - 23.03.2019


Water -

Cork Environmental Forum

For this installation, I displayed answers on a white material in an attempt for it to look like clouds. As per the usual structure of the Silent Conversation Installation, people were asked to attach an element to an answer which resonated with them most but this time in a form of a water droplet . Each water droplet contained information/facts about water kindly provided by Cork Environmental Forum. I fell in love with CEF the moment I started their GAP (Global Action Plan) programme. They deliver it for free and educate in an intimate group setting about how to live greener. I found it super useful and learnt a lot, which directly affected my behaviour, too. Do check them out.


The Sea by Mirte Slob.

Discovering this lady did not come without an adventure. All I will say for now is that I was stuck in a lift in Crawford Art Gallery before I finally saw her piece on the top floor of the gallery titled Atmosphere. I still remember experiencing it vividly and go back to that moment when I wish to get close to that feeling. It was very gentle, soft and floaty. It was so, so beautiful I could not speak for a while. I really wanted to incorporate it into my event as it complemented the many elements present in the project, and the water element being a literal one. Yet, logistically it was hard to do without any funds or help. She was already back in Netherlands and I was left by myself to handle my whole event again. We had a conversation and she decided to do another piece responding to the project, which resulted in The Sea you see above. It was displayed in such a way that people saw it straight away upon entering the library. Her tactile sea in the background of the sea of books made wonders. My favourite part, among many, was the additional spaciousness brought generally but specifically to the exploration of logic.


Beyond the frame.

Above you can see a compromised version of how I would like this to be displayed visually but it had to do for that moment. What I tried to focus on was the idea behind it. That was a moving image behind and beyond the frame while performing one to one spoken word. Dried flowers were also bordering within and out of the frame.